Phyllis Schlafly: Immigration Is Killing The American Family (Video)

Schlafly has noticed a disturbing trend among immigrants from Latin American countries that further erodes the traditional family unit. “They try to tell you they’re very pro-family, but they have a tremendously high illegitimacy rate,” she said.

Conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly has risen to the forefront in the immigration debate and strongly believes that America’s increasing levels of immigration is not just bad for the economy, but also is harming the American family.

At 90 years old, Schlafly shows no sign of stopping her advocacy of conservative ideas. Her latest book, “Who Killed The American Family?“, addresses the various causes that, in her opinion, have hurt the family unit in the U.S.

According to Schlafly, one of the most overlooked factors behind the death of the American family is mass immigration.

“I think it’s [immigration] enormous,” the conservative activist told The Daily Caller in reference to mass immigration’s impact on the family.


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