Mark Levin: Tom Donohue’s ‘Chamber of Horrors’ Is Democrats’ Secret Weapon to Keep Senate

Radio’s Mark Levin told Breitbart News that if a Georgia or Louisiana loss is the reason why the Democrats keep control of the Senate in November, it’s the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s fault.

“I hope everyone understands that if Harry Reid remains Senate Majority leader because of a Georgia or Louisiana loss, the responsibility rests with Tom Donohue and big business,” Levin said in an email. “The Chamber of Commerce is a chamber of horrors.”

Levin was responding to the news out of the Chamber on Friday that the business group will not be supporting David Perdue, the Republican nominee for U.S. Senate in Georgia, in the general election in November.

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce will stay neutral in the Georgia Senate race in the final days — even as Democrats put more resources behind Michelle Nunn — but will reconsider if the race moves to a runoff,” Politico’s Tarini Parti wrote on Friday.

Parti quotes Chamber of Commerce national political director Rob Engstrom from an interview he conducted with Politico’s Ken Vogel.


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