Franklin Graham: Obama doesn’t understand Islam

“Even President Bush in the previous administration called Islam a peaceful religion. Both men have done a great disservice to the American public by not understanding Islam and its teaching in the Quran,” Graham wrote.

Franklin Graham, the son of Rev. Billy Graham, the chief of Samaritan’s Purse and an evangelist for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, says President Obama, like President Bush before him, just doesn’t understand Islam.

Graham noted Obama’s recent comments on the conflict in the Middle East, when the president called for a global effort against terrorism.

“In his speech, the president made this baffling comment about Islam: ‘Islam teaches peace. Muslims all over the world aspire to live with dignity and a sense of justice. And when it comes to America and Islam, there is no us and them – there is only us, because millions of Muslim Americans are part of the fabric of our country,’” Graham wrote in a recent commentary for Decision magazine.

But he said that just doesn’t line up with the facts that people see.

Obama, he said doesn’t understand Islam.


Complete text linked here.

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