Video: ‘Violent thug’ caught stuffing ballot box

‘America used to be a nation of laws where 1 person had 1 vote.’

The chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee in Arizona says he used to wonder about whether ballot-box stuffing and other voting offenses actually happened, but no longer.

“America used to be a nation of laws where one person had one vote,” he said in a report in the Arizona Daily Independent. “I’m sad to say not anymore.”

His comments came after he reported witnessing a man stuffing hundreds of ballots in a ballot box during the Aug. 26 primary election in Arizona.

A.J. LaFaro said in the report he had been at the Maricopa County Elections Department for several days as the representative for the Republican Party.

On Aug. 25, workers running early ballots through scanners were caught up with their work and officials decided to allow an extended lunch break from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m.

“So I decided to relax and read my Wall Street Journal out in the main foyer area,” he told the newspaper.

Suddenly he heard a thud, and he saw “a person wearing a Citizens for a Better Arizona T-shirt” who had dropped a box of “hundreds of early ballots” and was stuffing them in the ballot box.


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