Lifelong Democrat talk-host: Dems should boycott election

‘Something ruinous on an epic scale controls our party.’

With midterms around the corner, Barack Obama’s popularity at a stunning all-time low, Democrat candidates avoiding Obama like Ebola and hundreds of audience members actually walking out during a presidential campaign appearance, it’s a rough time for Democrats.

And while some more moderate Democrats like Patrick Caddell and Doug Schoen deal with the failures of the Obama administration by criticizing it on Fox News, another prominent lifelong Democrat – veteran talk-show host and WND columnist Bob Just – has a novel solution for mainstream party members. Democrats conflicted over the direction of their party and of the country under their party’s current leadership should strike, he says.

That’s right – a voter strike. What the Democratic Party needs most from its loyal members, he says, is a boycott of the next few elections.

“Even if the polls completely collapsed regarding our party, those who control the party would never step down, except to ‘raise up’ people who believe the same things they do, and who will lead the same way. That’s the problem,” writes Just in an exclusive column on WND today.

“Only regular Democrat voters can force a real change in our party leadership with a voter strike over the next few elections. One election is not enough,” he adds.


Complete text linked here.

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