Lawsuit Filed: Seventeenth Amendment Not Ratified

Either we are a nation of laws or we are a nation of lies. We can’t be both and survive as anyone can see watching our beloved republic disintegrate.

Does the truth matter anymore in this country? Once I began my journey now going into my 24th year, all I found was nothing but lies, lies and more lies. Elected officials as well as unelected adminsitrative honchos like Lois Lerner of the IRS mess do nothing but lie to we the people. Both parties, county, state, federal, it doesn’t seem to matter. The agenda is all important regardless of party.

“Our” government for longer than I’ve been alive and regardless of which party holds “power” in the Outlaw Congress or which puppet occupies the White House, has lied to us about everything from The Gulf of Tonkin ‘incident’ dragging us into the undeclared Viet Nam “era” to the true nature of who the federal income tax applies to, TWA Flight 800, OKC, 9/11 and every scandal in between like Benghazi and Fast and Furious. .

One man seeking the truth about two constitutional amendments, Bill Benson, discovered that both the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution were not properly ratified and therefore are laws that don’t exist. For Bill’s efforts, his life was made hell. Bill was railroaded into prison while Americans sat in front of their football games, lined up at some electronics store for a new gadget or stampeded to Macy’s for a sale.


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