Pelosi: Dems will take Congress, WH in ’16

Pelosi said voters weren’t responding to the GOP agenda.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) predicted a Democratic sweep in 2016.

If Republicans keep the House in November, Pelosi said they wouldn’t hold their majority for long.

“Their days are numbered. I know that in two years, I know we’ll have a Democratic Congress and a Democratic president,” she told reporters at her weekly press conference.

“I’d like it to be in two months,” she added.

Asked if she was conceding that Republicans would hold the House in November’s midterms, Pelosi insisted, “No, I’m not.”

“I think we’ll do okay,” said Pelosi, who was headed to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee to discuss the elections.

Pelosi compared November’s midterms to the Olympics, in which the final result can come down to a matter of inches or seconds.

“Five weeks from today, we can have no regrets,” she said.

Pelosi slammed the GOP agenda and Republicans’ governing tactics.


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