After Declaring War on Tea Party, Karl Rove Frets GOP Estab Candidates Not Getting Enough Donations

After declaring war on the Tea Party and often showing nothing but contempt for grassroots conservatives that powered Republicans to record gains in the 2010 midterm elections, Karl Rove whined that the GOP may not take back the Senate this year because of the lack of enthusiasm for his establishment-approved candidates.

Writing in the Wall Street Journal, Rove notes that even though Obama’s “job approval numbers are lousy, no Democrat in a competitive Senate race polls regularly above 50%, GOP enthusiasm is high, and independents are trending Republican… each passing day provides evidence as to why a GOP Senate majority is still in doubt.”

After declaring war on conservatives and the Tea Party last year, Rove now realizes that the very voters the establishment trashed are not donating to more moderate and establishment Senate candidates in states like North Carolina and Colorado. Rove says that “Republican candidates and groups must step up” to reduce the fundraising gap with Democrats. He said “Republicans must reach a certain sufficiency of advertising in the next six weeks” to “tip the needle in the GOP’s direction.”

Rove said “that will only happen if Republicans open their wallets to candidates whom they may have never met, and, if they live in a battleground state, they clear their calendars to volunteer to identify and get out the vote.”


Complete text linked here.

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