New Media Win: Mohamed Elibiary out at DHS Following Breitbart Exposé

Mohamed Elibiary has left the Department of Homeland Security. Formerly a senior adviser to DHS, Elibiary announced on his Twitter page last week that he had moved on.

The circumstances surrounding Elibiariy’s sudden departure have not yet been made public.

Elibiary, who claims to be a Republican, announced that he plans on “reform[ing] the conservative movement so the GOP can win in 2016.” A critic of the Tea Party movement, he has been known to blame acts of terrorism on those who promote “Islamophobia,” portraying radical Islamists not as aggressors but as poor victims who have been incited to wage jihad. Elibiary has described the intra-GOP battles as between the “RtWing (unhappy ppl)” and the “Moderates/Traditionalists/Centrists (solutions oriented).”

Earlier in the summer, Breitbart News reported on Elibiary’s radical policy stances, raising questions whether he was fit to serve as an official adviser to the Obama administration.


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