D’Souza Announces Tour to Bring “America” Documentary to College Campuses

“America’s campuses are where the Left is free to push its destructive ideas on young people, I am excited to work with my friends at Young America’s Foundation to ensure students receive a balanced education” remarked Dinesh D’Souza.

Dinesh D’Souza, the conservative author and filmmaker that some have deemed the “Michael Moore of the right,” is launching a college tour this fall to introduce and discuss with students his new documentary, “America: Imagine a World Without Her.” The film challenges the notion that America is a “predatory colonial power” that relied on thievery and exploitation to earn its prominent place in the world.
The tour is being sponsored by the Young America’s Foundation. From the organization’s press release:

Following the release of his breakthrough documentary, America, which has surpassed Michael Moore’s “Capitalism” at the box office, Dinesh D’Souza will be taking the message of his film directly to college students. As showcased in the film, America’s greatness is under attack by those who argue that our country’s founding was based on the theft of America’s natural resources and the exploitation of Native Americans and others around the world. Many of these attacks originate on college campuses and Dinesh will bring the message of the film to young people who often only hear a one-sided view of our history.


Complete text linked here.

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