France: Hollande’s presidency is in ‘disarray’

One person who will be enjoying all the turmoil within the Socialist Party today is Marine Le Pen, head of the National Front party.

17:02 – Montebourg attacks austerity on his way out of the door:

“The austerity policies of tax hikes and reductions in public spending decided by the government are today the cause of the useless prolongation and the aggravation of the economic crisis, and the unnecessary suffering of Europe’s citizens,” Montebourg said.

“The world is begging us to halt the absurd austerity policies which continue to push the eurozone into a recession and soon into deflation.”
“Not only does austerity not work, it is inefficient and unfair. Without growth, the policies of reducing the deficit do not have the desired results and are thus a financial absurdity.”

17:00 – Montebourg walks away (he was probably for the chop anyway)

Arnaud Montebourg whose outspoken criticism of Hollande’s economic policies has just said he won’t be part of the new government. Although the idea that Manuel Valls would have included him seemed inconceivable. Montebourg took another swipe at the government’s economic policies in favour of auserity and cuts.


Complete text linked here.

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