Memo From Middle America | Refugee Industry Profiteering So Gross Even TIME Magazine Has Noticed

“…Catholic Charities gets billions of taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement and general immigration services, which puts it into the category of a smallish government agency. For example, in 2010, 62 percent of Catholic Charities’ budget was funded by the unwilling taxpayer. The feds and the Catholic bishops are partners.”

There’s more than one way to skin the American people. Illegal immigration isn’t just about cheap labor, growing the welfare state, and strengthening the ethnic lobbies. The so-called charities and nonprofits are also part of the scam.

They don’t just want your moral praise—they want your tax dollars. Indeed, without the government, few would even exist.

You might think that a government-supported charity is a contradiction in terms. After all, the whole point of charity is that it’s voluntary. But in the eyes of the Main Stream Media, those sanctimonious social workers and religious hypocrites whose salaries you pay aren’t greedy capitalists but “humanitarians.”

Good work if you can get it.

Catholic Charities U.S.A. has been at this for a long time. As’s Brenda Walker reported recently:

“…Catholic Charities gets billions of taxpayer dollars for refugee resettlement and general immigration services, which puts it into the category of a smallish government agency. For example, in 2010, 62 percent of Catholic Charities’ budget was funded by the unwilling taxpayer. The feds and the Catholic bishops are partners.”


Complete text linked here.

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