The Daily Caller’s Official Rundown Of America’s Worst, Most Leftist Professors

American colleges and universities provide a cushy salary for countless academic hacks, so they can spew progressive ideologies at undergrads. These professors, though, are the cream of the egregious crop.

Harvard professor Naomi Oreskes co-penned a book about global warming and how the earth will one day be a wasteland unless drastic, draconian action is taken. However, the hypocritical Ivy League professor doesn’t heed her own advice because she frequently tours across the world in pollution-emitting jumbo jets.

Lawrence Torcello, an assistant philosophy professor at Rochester Institute of Technology, published an essay in March 2014 demanding that climate change deniers be tossed in jail.

Robert Reich, a former U.S. secretary of labor for Bill Clinton, bled taxpayers last year of $242,613, yet he is expected to teach only one class this coming semester for his generous employer, the University of California, Berkeley. The über-liberal economist is slated to earn over $20,000 each month for teaching the one class.

Harvard professor Stephen Walt took to Twitter and blamed American foreign policy when Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 crashed over Ukraine. According to the progressive prof’s tweet, America is at fault for the crash because the U.S. and the European Union did not keep Ukraine as a “neutral buffer state.”


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