Alleged L.A. Kidnappers Are Illegal Aliens–One Deported 3 Times

Four persons charged with the kidnapping for ransom of a woman in Los Angeles earlier this month have been confirmed as illegal aliens–and one has been confirmed as “arrested and repatriated to Mexico three times since 1999,” including earlier this year, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials confirmed to Breitbart News.

ICE stated that the four (above, and below) are not U.S. citizens, having no “legal basis to be in the U.S.” and told Breitbart News that it “has lodged immigration detainers against all four suspects charged in connection with the kidnapping for ransom incident,” according to a spokesperson.

Charges against the four individuals relate to a 44-year old woman whom L.A. County authorities rescued Aug. 6 after she allegedly had been held for two days without food or water. Francisco Inacua, the husband of the woman’s longtime coworker Judith Maldonado, allegedly picked the victim up and offered to give her a ride home, according to an L.A. County Sheriff’s Department press release.

Inacua reportedly drove to a restaurant where, in alleged coordination with two other suspects, he left the vehicle with the woman inside. The two others, Uziel Figueroa and Rocio Inacua, reportedly “kidnapped the victim at gunpoint, forcing her to the floorboard of the vehicle.” She was then allegedly “driven to the garage bound and blindfolded by duct tape, and kept in squalid conditions until her rescue two days later.”


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