Scott Brown Hits Shaheen On Immigration In New Ad (Video)

That ambitious bill would have doubled the annual inflow of migrants and guest workers up to four million per year. That’s roughly equal to the number of Americans who turn 18 each year.

Scott Brown has released a new TV ad hitting New Hampshire Democratic Sen. Jeanne Shaheen for backing amnesty and opposing a border fence.

It is his second effort to capitalize on the public’s fast-growing worry about out-of-control illegal immigration.

“Want to know why there is lawlessness on our border? Ask Sen. Shaheen. She voted against border security twice, and for amnesty,” Brown says in the ad.

“It is time for us to secure the border and enforce the law,” Brown says.

Other GOP senatorial candidates in Arkansas, Michigan and Iowa are lining up with public sentiment. In Congress, Sen. Jeff Sessions is pushing the GOP leaders to make the midterm election into a referendum on President Barack Obama’s immigration policies.

But the ad’s fine print show that Brown is hedging in his opposition to immigration.


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