Major nation has zero illegals coming in: Here’s how (Video)

The successful Australian model is one America must learn from. It shows what can happen when you develop a policy and adhere to it strictly, with no exceptions.

Australia had a problem with illegal immigration.

It doesn’t anymore.

In the past seven months, not one single illegal immigrant arrived on Australian shores. Not one single boat has docked on the Australian coastline.

Compare this to the preceding four year period: Over 50,000 illegal immigrants arrived on Australian shores. More than 800 boats. Upwards of 1,000 people drowned at sea. A budget blowout of more than $10.3 billion.

Those that arrived were given welcome hampers, mobile phones, plasma TVs, housing, medical and other household items — all at a cost to the taxpayer.

And the overwhelming majority of those that came were not genuine refugees; many of them turned up in designer clothes and with mobile phones. They weren’t fleeing persecution; they just wanted a piece of Australia’s generous welfare state.

Frighteningly, some of them appeared to be Western haters, with one incident captured on video: One illegal immigrant, upset to have been intercepted by the Australian military, told the military to “”F–- Australia. … If later on you said why they do that to America on September 11, you should know the cause of it is your very deeds. Remember 9/11 for United States. All the world should know why.”

It was a mess.


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