Great Britain: Sham marriages clampdown pledged

Nick Clegg is to promise a clampdown on sham marriages to tackle an “industry” which he said was resulting in a reported 2,000 fake weddings a year to get round immigration rules.

The Deputy Prime Minister will say that the Government is also to spend more than £1 million on tougher inspections to target exploitative employers using migrants as cheap labour on less than the minimum wage, with a particular focus on care homes, recruitment agencies and hotels.

Provisions in the coalition Government’s Immigration Act, passed earlier this year, extend the notice period for weddings and civil partnerships from 15 to 28 days in order to allow more time for investigation to check that they are genuine.

Ministers have made clear they expect registrars to report suspicions to the Home Office, which has new powers to delay nuptials for a further 70 days while inquiries take place.

In a speech later this week, Liberal Democrat leader Mr Clegg is expected to say: “We are clamping down on sham marriages.

“It’s an industry – and a growing one, with around 2,000 reported every year. When people want to remain in the UK, they’ll do everything they can to stay.


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