Border Crisis Poll: Public Turns Against Obama, Democrats & Media (Video)

A new AP-GfK poll is all around bad news for President Obama, Democrats, and a mainstream media determined to push his amnesty agenda. Not only is public approval souring towards Obama’s handling of the issue, the idea of a path to citizenship for illegals, and the policy of offering asylum for this wave of Central American children; a plurality now see the Republican Party as better able to handle the issue of immigration.

When asked about the President’s handling of the immigration issue, only 31% said they approve, while a whopping 68% disapprove. That’s a 14-point shift against the president since the middle of May, when he sat at 38% approve, 60% disapprove.

When asked which party is better able to handle the immigration issue, Republicans win a plurality of 29% compared to 25% for Democrats. Back in May, Democrats led on this question, 29% – 23%. That’s a 10-point flip in favor of the GOP.

On the question of whether the United States has a “moral obligation to offer asylum to people who come to the U.S. to escape violence or political persecution,” only 44% said yes, while a clear majority of 53% said no.

What might be moving public opinion against the president and the media is a big jump in how serious the public now sees illegal immigration as a problem. While Obama plays golf, fundraises, drinks champagne with celebrities, and takes lavish vacations, the percentage of Americans who see illegal immigration as a “serious problem” jumped 14 points to 67%.


Complete text and video linked here.

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