Popular TV Host Scammed Undocumented Immigrants To Live Opulent Life, Police Say

While the clients got little from Juarez, Juarez got plenty from them, the Daily News said.

Eduardo Juarez, a well-known Spanish-language radio and television personality in the New York area, had the trust of many Latinos – so much so that thousands put their hopes, and their money, into his hands.

But Juarez ripped them off, scamming them with false promises to help them obtain legal immigration status, state authorities say.

Now, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said, victims of non-profit groups headed by Juarez that purported to help them with immigration cases will be able to file claims to get some aid from a $2.2 million restitution fund, according to the New York Daily News.

The groups that Juarez headed, which no longer are operative, were the International Immigrants Foundation Inc. and the International Professional Association Inc. The restitution fund arose from a settlement with those groups. Authorities shut down the two groups in 2010.

“This was a really serious case of fraud, there were people who paid—one person paid $18,000, who was actually eligible for a green card but because they didn’t really provide legal services he missed his opportunity,” said Schneiderman, according to NY1.

“I urge all eligible individuals to participate in the claims process, without fear of reprisal,” Schneiderman said.


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