Hollywood Reporter: Congressman Vows to Investigate Google Searches of “America”

“If there was an intent to confuse the public about this movie because of its ideological content, then we’re going to find out about it,” says Rep. Dana Rohrabacher.

Republican Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, a frequent foe of Google, is demanding to know why the giant Internet company was fumbling the search results for Dinesh D’Souza’s movie America for nearly three weeks.

Shortly after the movie opened wide on July 2, the filmmakers complained to Google that Internet users looking for showtimes and locations were sometimes misdirected to the wrong movie. On other occasions, an image of the film’s poster was incorrect or a description of the movie was wrong.

Rohrabacher tells The Hollywood Reporter that he’s so disturbed by Google’s behavior he intends on discussing it Wednesday during the House Republican Conference, which is the party caucus for Republicans in the House of Representatives.

“This doesn’t deserve to be ignored. We need to verify the statistics in some way, and I will be suggesting the appropriate committee or subcommittee have some kind of hearing on this,” Rohrbacher said. “We know there were significant incidences, and that would suggest there was intent behind Google’s nonperformance.”


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