Ted Cruz introduces ‘stop amnesty’ bill

Among the further legislative remedies Cruz plans to offer is removal of “the current legal obstacles to humanely and expeditiously reuniting those minors with their families back home” – i.e. no more three-year-long “deportation hearings” that don’t actually deport anyone – and authorization for state governors to put National Guard units on the borders.

No one with any common sense trusts Barack Obama to resist the temptation to scribble out some more executive orders granting amnesty to illegal immigrants. If anything, he’ll be inclined to go bigger than ever, since his manufactured border crisis has made the likelihood of a congressional deal on amnesty pretty slim.

No one with any common sense wants to see the titanic wave of “refugees” that would come surging across the border if President Obama hands out more amnesty packages, either. Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) has accordingly introduced a bill that would “prevent the Obama Administration from using any taxpayer funds to expand DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) and from continuing to lawlessly grant amnesty and work permits to new immigrants who enter the country illegally,” as a statement from his office put it.


Complete text linked here.

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