Sessions to Congress: Back Ted Cruz or Remain ‘Complicit’ in ‘Nullification of Border’ (Video)

Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), the ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and a key immigration hawk, took to the Senate floor on Monday afternoon to attack the efforts by President Barack Obama to grant amnesty via executive order to millions of illegal aliens.

During his floor speech, Sessions endorsed a bill from Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) that aims to curb the president’s executive amnesty efforts—and called on his colleagues to cosponsor it. Sessions said:

Senator Cruz has a bill that would stop this presidential overreach. Sessions said. It’s very simple. It lays out that we won’t spend money providing legal documents to people unlawfully in the country as defined by the law of America and as defined by the Congress of the United States. So, I will ask, will you cosponsor Senator Cruz’s bill and let’s defend our constituents, or will our congressional colleagues remain complicit in the nullification of our laws and basically the nullification of border enforcement?

Sessions’ fiery floor speech focused almost entirely on how Congress hasn’t done much—if anything—to fight back against President Obama’s executive overreaches when it comes to immigration law. He opened by citing the letter he hand-delivered to every member of Congress warning about Obama’s move to circumvent Congress and use executive power to grant amnesty to millions of America’s illegal aliens. Sessions also cited George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley, a liberal Obama supporter, who warned that Congress letting Obama use executive power in the way he has is not good for the country.


Complete text and video linked here.

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