Luis Gutierrez to La Raza: Get Amnesty to ‘Punish’ Americans Against Illegal Immigration (Video)

Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) believes Hispanics should get amnesty and citizenship to punish Americans who are against illegal immigration.

After he told the La Raza conference in Los Angeles that President Barack Obama gave the Latino community a “down payment” with his temporary amnesty program that halted the deportations “of our people,” Gutierrez urged Hispanics to seek retribution at the ballot box.

“We need to raise our voices, make ourselves citizens, sign up to vote and punish those who speak ill and criminalize children who come to our border,” Gutierrez reportedly said in Spanish this weekend.

Gutierrez addressed the conference this weekend and also spoke on a panel. He said Obama assured him in a White House meeting last week with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus that he would use executive actions to be a “generous and broad” as he can to “stop the deportation of people each and every day,” as Breitbart News reported.


Complete text and video linked here.

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