Black fatherless homes, left creating cop killers by Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson urges end to ‘anti-authority mindset’.

Fatherless homes – combined with the left’s policies and attacks on free speech – are creating thugs and cop killers.

The murder of 23-year-old Jersey City Police Officer Melvin Santiago and the death of 43-year-old Eric Garner, who died while resisting arrest by NYPD officers, have put the national spotlight on police and black relations.

The cop killer’s wife inflamed the situation by saying that her black thug husband – who was shot and killed after executing officer Santiago – should have shot more cops. News 12 New Jersey reporter Sean Bergin explained on camera the decision to air her comments:

“It’s important to shine a light on this anti-cop mentality that has so contaminated America’s inner cities. … The underlying cause of all this of course? Young black men growing up without fathers. …” The reporter was suspended from his job, and subsequently quit.

Progressives of all colors have intimidated most white Americans with the “R” word (racist), and now whites rarely comment on black criminality. These same progressives are perpetuating the fatherlessness and anti-police attitude that is wreaking havoc on America’s inner cities.


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