Border kids protests build amid calls for troops on the border, even secession (Video)

Anti-invasion protests come as polls show the problem is No. 1 among national concerns, and as President Obama struggles to solve a humanitarian crisis while addressing border security concerns.

Calling for everything from sending troops to the US border to secession, dozens of groups upset over a surge of young migrants into the US took to the streets Friday and Saturday from Oracle, Ariz. to Murrieta, Calif.

Organizers of the “Make Them Listen” movement have events planned in all 50 states, including 34 in Texas, most on Saturday. One protest is scheduled outside the office of Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins, who has been pushing to open shelters for the children in that area.

The building anti-migrant protests come as polls show the border kids problem is number one on Americans’ list of national concerns, and as President Obama struggles to solve a humanitarian crisis while navigating political waters ahead of a critical midterm election.


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