Anthony Cumia Speaks Out: “I Will Never Apologize For This” (Video)

Standing up against PC-mania.

Here’s a 15 minute video that’s actually worth watching through until the end. For those of you not following the story, Anthony Cumia of The Opie & Anthony Show was fired from Sirius XM recently, after launching what was characterized as a “hate-filled” Twitter rant about a black woman who punched him in Times Square because she was apparently angry about being captured in the frame of some pictures that he was taking at the time. The whole episode has spawned a wealth of questions about race, social media, and even about whether an employer has a right to fire a contracted employee over tweets sent on their own time.

The media coverage of the incident has, for the most part, not been in Cumia’s favor. Some supporters have spoken up, including illusionist/comedian Penn Jillette, who praised Anthony as a gun-carrying citizen for showing restraint against the woman. But for the most part, Cumia has seemingly been labeled as a simple racist from a majority of critics who have never heard his show and don’t seem at all interested in hearing the radio host’s side of the story.


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