Pat Buchanan: America Is Rejecting The GOP’s Big Business Wing

“The populist conservatives — who are basically going for the middle class — I think eventually are going to prevail,” Buchanan said.”The other side, frankly, don’t have enough troops. I think a populist conservative in a one-on-one race can win against them.” “They’re the future,” he concluded.

When it comes to the future of the GOP, conservative commentator and former presidential candidate Pat Buchanan thinks America has flat out rejected one wing of the party: The wing that embraces Wall Street and big business interests.

Buchanan shared his opinion on the GOP’s big business wing in the second part of his interview with The Daily Caller over his new book, “The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose from Defeat to Create the New Majority.”

“You’re not going to get back the middle class when you’re constantly appeasing big business — when folks are losing their jobs because of these trade deals, these masses of imports, these open borders, and the wars we’ve gotten into. I think the whole country is rejecting that,” Buchanan told TheDC.

Buchanan strongly rebuked policies that have favored opening up America’s market to foreign goods and have encouraged businesses to outsource jobs to other countries and recruit low-skilled immigrant workers to come to the United States — policies that have been favored by the big business-wing of the party.


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