Charlie Daniels to Obama: Here’s how to raise popularity

Longtime singing star tweets solution to American president.

Charlie Daniels, the folk-country-rock star whose melodies and lyrics have enchanted America for decades and whose no-holds-barred political opinions are posted online, has a word of advice for President Obama.

To help Obama raise his popularity, which has been underwater and at near-record lows in recent months.

He tweeted, “Obama could raise his numbers exponentially over night if he went to the border and said PRESIDENT NEITO, PUT UP THIS WALL!!!!”

His comment addressed the issue of the flood of illegal aliens, especially children, being drawn to the United States mostly from points in Central America because of Obama’s open doors messages.

And they are to a president with whom Daniels has not often agreed.

For example, his most recent Soap Box commentary starts out, “I am convinced that Barack Obama has no intention of leaving America armed when he leaves office. If there is any way, hook, crook or presidential fiat that he can use to lay the groundwork for the confiscation of privately owned firearms, he will …”


Complete text linked here.

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