Americans Missing 5 Mil Jobs, Obama Wants Amnesty for 5 Mil Illegal Aliens

Obama may not have beaten Al Qaeda, but he is determined to beat the economy, even if he has to blatantly violate the Constitution to do it.

First the bad news.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), in 2007 on the eve of the recession, there were 146.6 million Americans working. Today, there are 145.8 million Americans in jobs. So nearly 7 years later, we are still 800,000 jobs below the previous peak. That’s some jobs recovery.

But the missing jobs in this economic recovery are much higher than that. A new analysis of the labor force numbers by Heritage Foundation economists places the real jobs deficit in America closer to 5.5 million, even after accounting for changes in population and demographics.

The US is taking in a million legal immigrants a year. Those immigrants are also taking most of the jobs which are on the low end of the scale. McDonald’s type jobs.

When Dems and Repubs keep talking about the economic productivity of immigrants, what they really mean is that those immigrants are beating out Americans for scut work in a terrible economy.


Complete text linked here.

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