Not so happy Dependence Day, America by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent on how he escapes ‘fundamental transformation insanity’.

Stand back, America! The president has a pen and a phone, and he sure as hell is going to use them. I believe him, and you should too, regardless of what the Supreme Court of the United States keeps on telling him. The man has a vision, and quite honestly, it stinks to high heaven. It is rather obvious that he’s not going to let a little interference by those other two pesky branches of our government mess with his fundamental transformation, i.e., the end of America as we know her.

Hell, just recently I heard him smirk that, get this: “I’m the president, I can do anything I want to!”

Well, there you have it, the audacity of a dictator without a hint of guilt or accountability to anyone, regardless of his campaign pledges to the contrary. And you thought my name-calling was impolite.

In spite of this government gone haywire, Camp Nuge plows on with the original, proven concept of being the best that you can be, as productive as possible, and my entire family and team celebrates Independence Day every damn day. There may be a few more fireworks on the Fourth of July, and of course my killer band and I unleash a torrent of freedom soundtrack R&B&R&R, but our celebration is gung-ho every day as we get up and get going to maximize our American Dream and indefatigable pursuit of happiness. I believe that any able-bodied human being that doesn’t is an embarrassment to the species.

Especially Americans.


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