Dem Rep: Illegals Won’t Show Up in Court or Be Sent Back (Audio)

Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX), stated in an interview on Laura Ingraham’s radio show on Monday, that the illegal immigrants who have been released from detention centers across the southwestern United States will not show up for their court dates, and thus will not be sent back.

He estimated “over 8,000 individuals were released in the last two months” were released with court dates in south Texas alone, and the total number of illegals released is “over 40,000” and argued “after you travel thousands of miles, you pay of dollars, went through a very difficult situation, you get over here and they tell you to appear in 90 days, I would say the vast majority are not going to show up.”

Cuellar added that he was “disappointed with the [Obama] administration,” and said that the influx of illegal immigrants has been going on for over a year and the White House “could have seen that increase coming.”

Audio linked at original source.

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