‘Duck Dynasty’ Star Phil Robertson: Vote ‘This Ungodly Bunch’ Out in November

Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson gives credit for his family’s fame and fortune to “the Almighty”.

It’s one reason why Robertson sees a spiritual connection between politics and the state of the nation. The reality show superstar spoke at the Rock the South summit in Cullman, AL yesterday. He talked about duck calls, college football and the upcoming elections.

Robertson’s company recently sold its one-millionth duck call, and Robertson and his son Alan told the crowd how thankful they were for the success they’ve enjoyed. Robertson founded the company out of his love for hunting, and its now a multi-million dollar business.

“You don’t think the Almighty ain’t there?,” he said.

He wrapped his speech by telling the crowd to make their collective voice heard in November. Register to vote … and then make it happen.


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