Do Average Democrats Know Far Left Loons Are Leading Them?

The United States Patent Office is enforcing the arbitrary rules of the speech police, and that sickening end-around was celebrated by Democratic leadership.

I have a lot of friends who are Democrats. A lot. Having spent my entire adult life in the entertainment industry and much of it living in Los Angeles, that is just a fact of life.

Back in olden times (the 1990s), the Democrat politicians in Washington seemed to be much like the people who elected them. They also went about business in a way that was rather normal, if not to my particular ideological liking. This was all due to the fact that the extreme progressive hippies hadn’t completed the takeover of the party that they had begun in the 1970s.

Patient lot, these hippies.

Now the fix is in and the Left-of-Castro wing of the Democratic party is fairly well in control and dystopia is upon us. The people who began their political lives by expressing an overwhelming hatred of all things government have done a 180 and now embrace the egregious use of the federal monster to the point it almost seems like a fetish. It’s sort of like the “no bigger smoking nag than an ex-smoker” thing in reverse.

With a stealth progressive in the White House the fully armed and operational battle government has been deployed for purely political reasons in ways that should give any regular citizen pause.


Complete text linked here.

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