NBC’s Chuck Todd: The Public is Saying ‘Your Presidency is Over’ (Video)

“Look, this poll is a disaster for the president…”

On Morning Joe Wednesday, NBC White House correspondent Chuck Todd discussed the “disastrous” results of a new NBC/WSJ poll which found the president at the lowest foreign policy number ever for the poll and that a majority of Americans no longer believe the president has the ability to lead and solve problems. Todd argued that the message from the public to Obama was clear: “Your presidency is over.”

Look, this poll is a disaster for the president. What’s interesting about it is that it’s not a disaster for the Democrats, and I’ll separate that out in a minute. But you look at the presidency here: lowest job rating, tied for the lowest. Lowest on foreign policy. His administration seen as less competent than the Bush administration post-Katrina.

After apologizing to Nicolle Wallace, a former Bush communications director—who joked back that she was relieved to hear the findings—Todd continued:

And then on the issue do you believe he can still lead… a majority believe not. Essentially the public is saying, “Your presidency is over” by saying a number like that. 54% saying he no longer has the ability to lead and solve problems…


Complete text linked here.

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