Chuck Woolery Teams with Tea Party Candidate Chris McDaniel

Think the establishment Republican party bosses have any love for Ted Cruz? They don’t. They will fight him tooth and nail. Good on him. Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) June 16, 2014 – Words matter. #Progressive is just a cover word for #socialist #Marxist. Believe it. If not, look it up. Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) June 15, 2014 – “The Russians are coming.The Russians are coming.” No ladies and gentlemen. The Marxist are here. Running our Government. WAKE UP. Chuck Woolery (@chuckwoolery) June 14, 2014

Mississippi Tea Party senate candidate Chris McDaniel has a new ally in his primary campaign against incumbent Thad Cochran: game show host Chuck Woolery.

California-based conservative advocacy group the Tea Party Express announced Tuesday that it will be touring Mississippi with the former Dating Game host urging voters to support McDaniel in the state’s upcoming runoff election.

“There is a strong sentiment of frustration with career politicians that continue to put the old politics of ‘kicking the can down the road’ in front of solutions,” said Tea Party Express executive director Taylor Budowich according to The Washington Times.

“They are ready for a new generation of conservative leaders, and we will be doing our part rallying these voters this coming weekend.”

In addition to hosting The Dating Game, Woolery served as longtime host of Love Connection, and was the original host of Wheel of Fortune before passing the mic to fellow conservative Pat Sajak.


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