Illegals crisis brings surprise ‘patrol’ to border

‘Obama is engaging in the willful destruction of the rule of law’.

With the Obama administration reportedly prohibiting Border Patrol agents from talking to journalists about the thousands of youthful illegal aliens housed in DHS detention centers across the Southwest, U.S. Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, says he is organizing his own “border patrol” consisting of members of Congress so they can see for themselves the reality of what is being described as an unprecedented humanitarian crisis.

“I’m afraid President Obama is going to do nothing to secure our border with Mexico,” King told WND in an interview Monday. “Right now, the United States effectively has no border with Mexico and the borders in Central America all the way down to Panama appear to be wide open as well.”

King added, “President Obama appears he is going to be as ineffective at stopping the flow of unaccompanied minors crossing the border illegally as he has been preventing a civil war from breaking out in Iraq.”

In recent weeks and months, tens of thousands of children, many from Central America, have flooded across the Mexican border into the United States, apparently unaccompanied. Obama’s critics contend the multitudes of youthful illegals are being irresistibly drawn by Obama’s announcement of a form of de facto amnesty for children who are in the United States illegally.


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