Dinesh D’Souza: Obama Mobilizes Resentment Toward America To Grow His Power (Video)

Obama says to those riding inside the bandwagon, “You are the morally most wonderful people in America.” And, instead of thanking those who pull the bandwagon, Obama calls them “the most greedy, most selfish, materialistic we’ve ever seen,” as he requires they pull harder.

If the questionable legal charges levied against Dinesh D’Souza by Obama’s Department of Justice for exceeding campaign finance laws were meant to quiet his criticism of the president, it is not working. Yet, one gathers from D’Souza that he sees these charges as one more of the shameless ways this president is using the instruments of the state to attack his critics.

With a new book, “America: Imagine a World Without Her” and a movie, “America,” coming on July 2, D’Souza is a man with a message and he is on fire. His movie “2016” brought in 8 million viewers. And he hopes his new movie, “America,” will top “2016.”

In this 23 minute video interview, Dinesh D’Souza said, “In my opinion, President Obama believes in American exceptionalism. I believe America’s exceptionally good and he believes America’s exceptionally bad.”

He went on to say, “He doesn’t equate America’s sins with the rest of the world. If he did, he would be pressing the Chinese to use less energy resources. He would be demanding that they stop buying all the land and minerals in Africa. He would be demanding that they reduce their nuclear arsenal.”


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