A radical among a nation of sheep by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent advocates extreme measures to combat extreme gov’t criminality.

I get around. I hang out with a lot of people, people of every imaginable ethnicity, color, social economic strata, all walks of life, people of the “melting pot.” They’re my people. We all get along handsomely. You can’t pull off more than 6,500 hyper intense rock ‘n’ roll concerts in 50-some years and avoid your fellow man – especially when you’re as loveable and gregarious as I am. I didn’t invent “sweetheart,” but I dare say I have perfected it.

As I hit the road for my new SHUTUP&JAM! record of lovesongs and tour of the same name with my dangerous band of virtuoso soulbrothers, I am compelled to bring my fellow conservatives (can the writer of “Wang Dang Sweet Poontang” really be considered a conservative anything?) a powerful, inescapable reminder that our logic and evidence-driven common sense remain both common and sensible across the land.

We are not alone.

Today has been a perfect example of why my confidence cup doth runneth over, and why yours should as well.

Flying across Texas and then to London and on to Copenhagen for a roustabout high-energy rockout for a few hundred thousand unsuspecting Euros who clamor for the Nugent freedom soundtrack, spirit and attitude we always bring them, I find the gushing support with which I am constantly bombarded everywhere I go stunning, to say the least.


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