Obama Renews Work Permits For 520,000 Illegals

Younger Americans are the least likely to be be employed in the slack economy, partly because they face competition from each other, plus roughly 600,000 working-age immigrants and 800,000 guest-workers each year.

President Barack Obama is renewing his two-year amnesty for at least 550,000 younger illegal immigrants, and is rolling back education requirements and anti-fraud measures.

“Obama’s extension of his unilaterally-created immigration program not only violates his constitutional duty to enforce the law, but the changes he made to it proactively invite fraud and abuse,” said a June 5 statement by Rep. Bob Goodlatte, the chairman of the House judiciary committee.

“By loosening the education standards, potentially millions more unlawful immigrants who do not meet even basic educational requirements will be able to apply for the [amnesty] program,” he said.

Goodlatte, however, did not criticize the administration for disadvantaging U.S. workers. In fact, he has pushed a House bill that would allow companies to employ 750,000 foreign workers during each year in the food sector. So far, his guest-worker bill has not moved because GOP leaders are blocking the Senate’s June immigration bill, which would double the annual inflow of almost 2 million immigrants and guest-workers.


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