Crime in Mexico Costs Companies $5.8 Billion Annually

Roughly 37 percent of companies have fallen victim to crime of some form, including corruption, robbery of merchandise, shoplifting, kidnapping and extortion, the head of the Coparmex employers’ association said.

security in Mexico cost companies some 75 billion pesos ($5.8 billion) annually, the head of the Coparmex employers’ association said.

Roughly 37 percent of companies have fallen victim to crime of some form, including corruption, robbery of merchandise, shoplifting, kidnapping and extortion, Juan Pablo Castañon told a group of foreign correspondents.

The government needs to continue its all-out battle against crime nationwide, the Coparmex chief said, though he added that the situation is most critical in the northeastern border state of Tamaulipas, the southwestern state of Michoacan and the southern state of Guerrero.

One effective initiative has involved coordinating federal and state forces under a single command, according to Castañon, who said that strategy has been successful in the northern border cities of Tijuana and Ciudad Juarez and should be extended to other regions.


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