CA Congressman Dana Rohrabacher: Why Doesn’t Obama have a Valid Social Security Number and Valid IDs?

It should be noted that the original birthers were not Republicans, nor were they members of the Tea Party. That’s right. The original birthers were Democrats, including Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Attorney Orly Taitz has been advancing the issue of Barack Obama’s fraudulent documents, including his birth certificate, selective service form and his use of a bogus Social Security number for several years now. She has also thrown her hat into the ring in the primaries for California Attorney General. On Monday, Taitz said that she had three United States Congressmen, including her own Representative, along with voters who specifically asked questions about Obama’s bogus IDs. In that meeting, it was Taitz’s own Congressman, according to her, who asked the valid question, “Why doesn’t Obama have a valid Social Security number and valid IDs?”

According to Taitz’s website, Congressman Dana Rohrabacher “invited Taitz to attend a meeting of activists and patriots, which was held at his home in Costa Mesa, CA.”

At the meeting, she also addressed Texas Congressman Ted Poe and asked him when Congress would address the issue of Obama’s fraudulent and fabricated IDs and stolen Social Security number. According to Taitz, Congressman Rohrabacher said that people who question Obama’s legitimacy are called names like “birther,” but went on to say, “nobody is answering a legitimate question: why doesn’t Obama have a valid Social Security number and valid IDs?”


Complete text linked here.

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