Pelosi: Success of ‘Beautiful’ Obamacare Silencing Anti-Science-Government-Obama Republicans (Video)

“One evidence of governance would be how we rolled out the Affordable Care Act. It is intact. It’s beautiful.”

In an interview with’s Ezra Klein Monday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi argued that the successful rollout of Obamacare—the law she at one point describes as “beautiful”—was silencing the criticism of Republicans and forcing them to revert to harping on other issues, like the Benghazi scandal.

Pelosi’s interview with Klein covered a range of topics, including slavery reparations, the Redskins team name, the gender pay gap, and the VA scandal. Throughout, Pelosi perpetually directed the blame toward the Republicans, who she said are a “triple threat”: “anti-governance,” “anti-science,” and “anti-Obama.”

When pressed about the Democrats’ chances in the Senate in fall, Pelosi predicted that in the next “month or so” the outlook for her party would improve and that despite Republicans’ obstructionist efforts, the Democrats were winning legislatively. One of the Democrats’ big governance wins she suggested was “beautiful” Obamacare:

“One evidence of governance would be how we rolled out the Affordable Care Act. It is intact. It’s beautiful. As with everything, it’s a work in progress. We need to improve it, but the website didn’t work, and now it’s well.”


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