Benham Brothers Vow to Stand Up to Intolerant Bullies

“Now we’ve been marginalized and we’re ‘extremists’ and ‘haters’ and all these other things. We’re not concerned with our image as long as we continue to speak the truth and speak it in love. … If we have all of that in place, then we can take this bully down. And if that’s the image that we portray, then that’s OK.”

The twin brothers who lost their reality TV show when a website attacked their Christian beliefs say they’ll not only “stand up” to bullying intolerance but also keep a commitment to six families by selling their properties without taking a cent.

David and Jason Benham, who recently met and prayed with the six families scheduled to be on their canceled show, told Dana Loesch on her online show on TheBlaze TV that Christians in other countries face far worse than losing television deals.

“We are really not being persecuted in this country yet. We’ve got a lot to be thankful for,” David Benham said. “So we just remember those folks that are truly being persecuted. And it really strengthens our resolve in this nation to really stand up to this bully, this agenda to silence, and say: ‘OK, enough is enough.’ ”

Friday night on “Dana,” Loesch walked the twin entrepreneurs through the events of the past two weeks: First HGTV pulled the plug on their real estate show, “Flip It Forward,” before its scheduled debut in October. Then, SunTrust Bank severed business ties with their company, Benham Real Estate, and its franchisees before relenting within 24 hours amid a flood of protest.


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