Obama’s giant new welcome mat at U.S. border by Tom Tancredo

Tom Tancredo demands GOP challenge sabotage of deportation laws.

The newspapers are filled with speculation about Obama’s plans for another executive order or Homeland Security directive expanding his administration’s sabotage of the nation’s laws on deportation of illegal aliens. Obama continues to ignore laws enacted by Congress in open defiance of the separation of powers found in the U.S. Constitution.

What is missing from the picture is the dog that not only doesn’t bark, but absolutely refuses to bark: The Republican leadership in Congress is silent. The thinking among the Republicans’ so-called congressional leadership appears to be that when it comes to immigration law enforcement, Republicans can’t criticize Obama’s unconstitutional edicts for fear of being called racists.

I have news for those folks. You will be called a racist regardless of what policies you follow because the race card is all the progressives have left.

Such cowardly behavior is not the stuff for the next volume of “Profiles in Courage.” But it might fill one chapter in the book some future historian will publish, probably in our own lifetime: “The Decline and Fall of the Rule of Law.”


Complete text linked here.

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