The ‘Almost Exclusively White Phenomenon’ of Conservatism

According to Census data, 43 percent of immigrants who have been in the U.S. for more than 20 years are using welfare benefits. Fifty-seven percent of households headed by Mexican immigrants are on some form of welfare, compared with 6% of immigrants from the United Kingdom.

Every conservative should consider the profound and possibly awful observation made by the New York Times’ Josh Barro (italics added):

The rush to stand with Mr. Bundy against the Bureau of Land Management is the latest incarnation of conservative antigovernment messaging. And nonwhites are not interested, because a gut-level aversion to the government is almost exclusively a white phenomenon.

If there were validity to Barro’s observation, then any anti-government political philosophy (that wished to survive) would seek to reduce immigration.

After all, America is rapidly importing economically poor, poorly educated, low-skilled immigrants. Those immigrants generate racial inequalities, and inequality is then used to shame and guilt the majority. This is the neurotic cycle I call “America’s never-ending shame.” A constant influx of the “disadvantaged” guarantees a racialized political system and the growth of a Leviathan welfare state.

How can we verify that “a gut-level aversion to the government is almost exclusively a white phenomenon”? For starters, we could look to numerous polls and opinion surveys, which are a better indication of Latino opinion that any self-serving GOP talking points.


Complete text linked here.

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