The Windy City’s spring slaughter season by Ted Nugent

Ted Nugent on Chicago mayhem: ‘Liberalism is the real killer, not guns’.

Just as birds are genetically programmed to fly south in the fall and my sons and I head for Alaska for our ritual spring father/son bear hunt and fishing trip, when the weather begins to warm up this time of year the urban gangsters increase their perpetual slaughter of other gangsters and innocents.

Again, on cue, this past Easter weekend in Chicago, eight people were killed and 44 more were wounded. As the Carpenter’s once sang: We’ve only just begun …

We can expect the Chicago “gun-free-zone” gangster-on-gangster carnage to continue throughout the summer and well into the fall. It happens year after year. I’m surprised that Las Vegas hasn’t developed a betting game to wager on how many gangster-related shootings will occur in Chicago, Detroit, St. Louis, Newark, New Orleans, Philly, Compton, Oakland, etc. It’s a sure bet on all levels as long as denial goons like Rahm Emanuel and Mike Bloomberg continue to harass and infringe on law-abiding gun owners instead of looking into recidivistic gangsters.

The definition of insanity, anyone? How’s that goofy firearm owners ID card thing working out for ya all, Chicago?


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