Chuck Norris storms onto battlefield to save vets

Hollywood icon throws down the gauntlet to U.S. government.

Combat veteran Kryn Miner, 44, served 11 deployments in seven years. He suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury after a bomb blast in Afghanistan in 2010 threw him into a wall. It was one of 19 blasts he endured over two decades of service to his country.

On April 29, Kryn died after being shot by his teenage son, who was acting in defense of himself, his mother and his siblings because Kryn had threatened to kill them and pulled out a gun. Prosecutors ruled that it was a justified shooting, absolving the teen from facing charges. It was a tragic ending to a stellar military career. But according to his wife, Amy, it wouldn’t have happened if the U.S. government were as eager to care for veterans as it is to deploy them overseas in battle.

The 39-year-old widow explained to The Associated Press: “The truth of the matter is if we can’t take care of our veterans we shouldn’t be sending them off to war. It doesn’t make sense. Because they’re coming back and this is the result and it’s happening more and more.”

Kryn was laid to rest May 2. But other wounded warriors don’t have to be if the U.S. government cares for America’s best as it cared for them on the battlefields of war.


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