He’s back! Now it’s Professor Jeremiah Wright

Former Obama pastor lectures on U.S. disintegration.

Jeremiah Wright, the pastor of Barack Obama’s Chicago church who infamously ranted “God d— America,” now is teaching theology “from the black perspective” at a Pennsylvania seminary run by his longtime denomination, the United Church of Christ.

Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, announced it was offering this week a “one-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take a Master Class from Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, pastor emeritus, Trinity United Church of Christ Chicago.”

The week-long class focuses on “a survey and analysis of the many different theologies preached and practiced by the black churches in the diaspora from the days of the European enslavement of Africans through the 21st century, comparing and contrasting the broad range of theologies found in Christian congregations and denominations in Africa with black Christian churches in the diaspora.”

It emphasizes the “four black Americas” that Eugene Robinson describes, according to NPR, as “a mainstream middle-class majority with a full ownership stake in American society, a large, abandoned minority with less hope of escaping poverty and dysfunction than at any time since Reconstruction’s crushing end, a small transcendent elite with such enormous wealth, power, and influence that even white folks have to genuflect, [and] two newly emergent groups – individuals of mixed-race heritage and communities of recent black immigrants – that make us wonder what ‘black’ is even supposed to mean.”


Complete text linked here.

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