Watch the Viral Video Of The Bizarrely Entertaining Idaho Governor’s Debate; It’s Like Something Out Of SNL… But Funnier

The four-man debate for the GOP nomination to be the Idaho Governor made history with two of the candidates, Harley Brown and Walt Bayes, making some unintentionally funny and far-out remarks.

Via BizPac Review:

A biker, a curmudgeon, a cowboy and a normal guy are running for governor of Idaho, and if that seems odd, watch the politically incorrect debate.

State Sen. Russ Fulcher, Harley Brown and Walt Bayes are all challenging Republican Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter in a GOP primary election on May 20. While not taken too seriously, the two fringe candidates, Brown and Bayes, were permitted to participate in the debate on Wednesday.

“A substantial portion of my political campaign is campaigning against political correctness,” the biker Brown said. “I’m about as politically correct as your proverbial turd in the punchbowl, and I’m proud of it.”


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