Hollywood Hypocrisy: When Kickstarter censored my film on abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell

We decided to tell the Kermit Gosnell story as a TV crime movie and submitted the project to Kickstarter who proudly proclaim on their website that they “never curate projects.”

When I first heard of the crowdfunding website Kickstarter I was elated.

It seemed perfect for me – a filmmaker who makes films that Hollywood and the mainstream media would be reluctant to finance. And so I used it to fund my last film “FrackNation” — a documentary about fracking that questions many off the environmental scare stories and bogus lawsuits that surround the industry.

Over 3,300 people gave $212,000 in small donations to ensure the film got made. In a classic crowdfunding model we bypassed the liberal Hollywood gatekeepers – made our movie – and it was on TV across the nation.

So when I decided to make a TV drama about the life and crimes of Kermit Gosnell – Kickstarter seemed to be the obvious venue for raising funds.

Kermit Gosnell was a Philidelphia abortion doctor convicted of murdering babies as they lay in his clinic moving, breathing and crying. He would take a pair of scissors and sever their spinal cord. Its thought he killed thousands of babies in a 40-year killing spree.


Complete text linked here.

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